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입이 트이는 영어 22.09.28 Living without the TV

영어로꿈꾸기 2022. 10. 3. 12:55

오늘의 주제는 Getting rid of TV at home입니다.

제가 원하는 삶이네요 ㅎㅎ TV 없이 살기!

1. Dictation [받아쓰기]






TV-free Homes / Talk about getting rid of TV at home



When I was young, I loved watching TV.

I would sit in front of the TV all day long and flip through the channels.

An entire day would go by in a flash.

But when I was in college and our family moved to a new house, we decided not to buy a TV.

So I started living without a TV, and soon became accustomed to it.

I was actually glad that I wasn't wasting time, just zoning out in front of the TV set.

Even after I got married, I didn't buy a TV.

My husband was against it at first, but he soon got used to life without a TV.

Nowadays, he is all for it.

We have installed a beam projector and screen,

so sometimes we can set the mood to watch a movie or catch a TV show.


[Dialogue Practice]


A: I am giving some thought to getting rid of the TV in our house.

B: Really?

A: Yes, our family rarely talks to each other anymore.

B: But isn’t getting rid of the TV a bit much?

A: I’ve heard it’s effective. People spend more time reading, too.

B: I can’t even wrap my head around living without a TV.


2. Words and Expressions [단어와 표현]


all day long 하루 종일

flip through the channels 채널을 돌리다

in the flash 순식간에

move to a new house 새 집으로 이사를 가다

become accustomed to ~에 적응하다

waste time 시간을 낭비하다

zone out 멍 때리다

be against it 반대하다

get used to ~에 적응하다

be all for it 적극 찬성하다

set the mood 분위기를 조성하다

catch a TV show TV 프로그램을 챙겨보다

Can’t even wrap one’s head around 무언가를 이해하다.


3. Writing [한국어에서 영어로 작문해보기 ]


저는 어릴 때 TV 보는 것을 무척 좋아했습니다. 

When I was young, I loved watching TV.

하루 종일 TV 앞에 앉아서 여러 채널을 돌리다 보면, 하루가 금방 지나가곤 했습니다.

 I would sit in front of the TV all day long and flip through the channels.

An entire day would go by in a flash.

그러다가 대학생 때 우리 가족이 새 집으로 이사를 가면서, TV를 사지 않기로 결정했습니다. 

But when I was in college and our family moved to a new house, we decided not to buy a TV.

그래서 어쩌다가 TV 없는 생활을 시작하게 되었고, 얼마 지나지 않아 적응이 되었습니다. 

So I started living without a TV, and soon became accustomed to it. ​


TV 앞에 앉아 그저 멍 때리며 시간을 낭비하지 않으니 오히려 좋았습니다.

I was actually glad that I wasn't wasting time, just zoning out in front of the TV set.


결혼을 한 후에도 저는 TV를 장만하지 않았습니다. 

Even after I got married, I didn't buy a TV.

처음에 남편이 반대를 했지만 TV가 없는 생활에 금방 익숙해졌고, 지금은 아주 좋아합니다. 

My husband was against it at first, but he soon got used to life without a TV.

우리는 빔 프로젝터와 스크린을 설치해서 가끔 분위기 있게 영화도 보고 TV 프로그램들도 챙겨 봅니다.

Nowadays, he is all for it. We have installed a beam projector and screen, so sometimes we can set the mood to watch a movie or catch a TV show.

