오늘의 주제는 자연환경에서 자라는 아이들에 대한 내용입니다.
1. Talk about how children grow in natural surroundings
I was born and raised in Busan, and nobody I knew was a farmer.
But my parents-in-law have run a farm in Jinju raising strawberries for nearly 30 years.
The environment has been a fine venue for our son to get in touch with nature.
When he visits his grandparents, our son is all over the place in the rural neighborhood.
He naturally sees and experiences bugs, animals, and fresh produce.
He learns about seasonal changes, along with the process of rice plants maturing into cereal grains after they are planted in the early summer.
Unlike his mother, who has a phobia of bugs, our son doesn't hesitate to approach bugs and animals.
He is unafraid of bugs, and is enthusiastic about picking and eating ripe fruit.
I am deeply grateful that my son can experience country life in a way that I never could.
자연에서 아이 키우기
저는 부산에서 나고 자랐고, 주변에 농사를 짓는 분은 아무도 없었습니다.
그런데 저희 시부모 님은 진주에서 농장을 운영하시며 30년 가까이 딸기 농사를 짓고 계십니다.
이런 환경은 우리 아들에게 훌륭한 자연 체험의 장이 되어 주고 있습니다.
아이는 할머니 할아버지 댁에 가면 시골 곳곳을 누비며 다닙니다.
그리고 자연스럽게 벌레. 동물, 신선한 과일과 채소 등을 보고 체험합니다.
초여름에 모내기를 한 벼가 자라고 익어 곡식이 되는 과정과 함께 계절의 변화에 대해 배워 갑니다.
벌레를 무서워하는 엄마와는 달리 아이는 벌레와 동물들에게 씩씩하게 잘 다가갑니다.
아이는 벌레도 크게 개의치 않고 잘 익은 열매를 열심히 따 먹습니다.
제가 경험해 보지 못한 농촌 생활을 아이가 누릴 수 있어서 너무 감사합니다.
[Dialogue Practice]
A: Didn't you say you often visit a farm over the weekend?
B: We often go to a farm run by our relatives.
A: Oh, the kids must get a kick out of that.
B: Yes, it's nice for us to get in touch with nature as a family.
A: I suppose you can't go these days because it's winter now.
B: That's right, but we'll go again when the weather gets warmer.
2. Words and Expressions 단어와 표현
born and raised 태어나고 자란
parents-in-law 배우자의 부모
run a farm 농장을 운영하다
a fine venue 훌륭한 장
get in touch with nature 자연과 교감하다
be all over the place 곳곳을 누비며 다니다
fresh produce 신선한 과일과 채소
seasonal changes 계절의 변화
mature into ~으로 성장하다, 무르익다
have a phobia 공포증이 있다
don't hesitate to ~을 서슴지 않고 하다
be enthusiastic about ~에 대해 적극적이다
be deeply grateful 매우 감사하게 생각하다
ce country life 농촌 생활을 경험하다
a kick out of something 즐거워하다 (feel amusement, delight)

참조: Audio file
3. Questions for free talking 말하기를 위한 질문 (Nature)
How important is nature to you? Why?
How much nature is there where you live?
What is the most beautiful thing in nature? Why?
How does being in nature make you feel? Why?
Why do people live in cities, where there is almost no nature?
What does "the power of nature" mean? How powerful is nature?
What bad things are people doing to nature?
What would the trees say to humans (if they could talk)?
Where is the best place in your country to see or experience nature?
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