오늘의 주제는 Pokemon Bread입니다.
예전에 유행했던 것 같은데, 최근에 또 유행이 돌아왔나 봐요.
1. Dictation [받아쓰기]
Pokemon Bread
I am an ordinary mom with a son in 4th grade.
About two months ago, I happened to buy two Pokenmon pastries while I was shopping for groceries.
I gave them to my son, and he was over the moon.
Seeing how happy it made him, I started to hunt around for the bread.
At first, I stood in line at the supermarket before they opened to buy the pastries.
But the explosive popularity of Pokemon bread meant that the lines grew longer and longer. Now, I have to leave the house even before my son goes to school to get my hands on the bread.
Sometimes on weekend mornings, the whole family lined up to buy the bread.
It started out as a bit of fun.
But now I worry a bit that it has become an obsession.
My husband is strongly against it, seeing how it has taken up my weekends.
So, we decided that this week would be the last.
But I wonder why I still want to sneak out.
[Dialogue Practice]
A: I heard you’re moving to the States.
B: Yes, my husband has been assigned to the American branch of his company.
A: Oh, I see. And what about the kids?
B: They’ll have to come along, too. I hope they can adjust to the new surroundings.
A: They’re both in middle school now, right?
B: No, our eldest daughter is in 8th grade, but our son is still in 5th grade.
2. Words and Expressions [단어와 표현]
happen to 우연히 ~하다
shop for groceries 장을 보다
over the moon 매우 기뻐하는
hunt around for ~을 구하러 다니다
stand in line 줄을 서서 기다리다
explosive popularity 폭발적인 인기
line grows longer and longer 줄이 점점 길어지다
get one's hands on ~을 어렵게 구하다
line up to ~하기 위해 줄을 서다
start out as a bit of fun 재미로 시작되다
become an obsession 집착이 되다
be strongly against it 강력히 반대하다
take up someone's weekend ~의 주말을 차지하다 [소요하다]
sneak out 몰래 나가다
3. Writing [한국어에서 영어로 작문해보기]
저는 초등학교 4학년 아들을 둔 평범한 엄마입니다.
I am an ordinary mom with a son in 4th grade.
약 2개월 전 저는 장을 보러 갔다가 우연히 포켓몬 빵 두 개를 구입했죠.
About two months ago, I happened to buy two Pokenmon pastries while I was shopping for groceries.
아이에게 빵을 가져다주니 너무 좋아했습니다.
I gave them to my son, and he was over the moon.
아이가 기뻐하는 모습을 보고는 그 이후로 빵을 찾으러 다니게 되었습니다.
Seeing how happy it made him, I started to hunt around for the bread.
초반에는 마트가 문을 열기도 전에 줄을 서서 기다려 빵을 구입했습니다.
At first, I stood in line at the supermarket before they opened to buy the pastries.
그러나 포켓몬 빵이 폭발적인 인기를 끌면서 기다리는 줄은 점점 길어졌습니다.
But the explosive popularity of Pokemon bread meant that the lines grew longer and longer.
이제는 빵을 구하기 위해 아이가 등교하기도 전에 집에서 나서야 합니다.
Now, I have to leave the house even before my son goes to school to get my hands on the bread.
가끔 주말 오전에는 온 가족이 줄을 서서 빵을 구매하기도 했습니다.
Sometimes on weekend mornings, the whole family lined up to buy the bread.
처음에는 재미로 시작했다가, 이제는 집착이 되어 버린 것 같아서 약간 걱정이 됩니다.
It started out as a bit of fun. But now I worry a bit that it has become an obsession.
주말까지 낭비하는 저의 모습을 보고 남편은 강력히 반대합니다.
My husband is strongly against it, seeing how it has taken up my weekends.
그래서 어쩔 수 없이 이번 주까지만 하고 그만하기로 했습니다.
So, we decided that this week would be the last.
하지만 몰래 가고 싶은 마음이 생기는 건 왜일까요?
But I wonder why I still want to sneak out.
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