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Neurology 11.04.2022 입이 트이는 영어 11월 04일 입이 트이는 영어 주제는 Neurology입니다. 최근에 의학 주제를 낭독, 녹음해야 하는 일이 있었는데 역시 전문 용어는 어렵더라고요 ㅎㅎ 혀가 꼬이고 버벅대고 했지만 재미있게 마무리했어요. 마침 11월 4일 입트영 주제도 의학에 관련된 것이라서 연습하기 좋을 것 같아요! ♣Audio File:♣ https://www.bookdonga.com/file//productdata/20221018095728_1856f798-8416-47c7-800c-99337927d5ae_86.mp3 1. Dictation 받아쓰기 Neurology Doctors can generally be categorized as internists and surgeons. For example, gastroenterol.. 2022. 11. 7.
Commuting by bike 10.17.2022 [입이 트이는 영어] 얼마전 카카오 & 다음 데이터센터 화재로 티스토리도 먹통이라는 이야기를 들었는데요, 아무생각 없이 글 쓰다가 게시글이 올라가지 않아서 조금 지나면 되겠지 하고 글을 저장해두고 몇번을 올리려고 했는데 안되더라고요 ㅠㅠ 그 사건(?)과는 무관하게 그냥 에러였나 봐요 ㅋㅋㅋ 어찌됐건! 오늘의 주제는 "자전거로 통근하기"입니다. 1. Dictation [받아쓰기] 2022.10.17 https://www.bookdonga.com/file//productdata/20220919224531_6218a2c8-568a-48e2-bdf6-d6da38e06539_38.mp3 Talk about commuting by Bike In the past, I drove to work or took the company's com.. 2022. 10. 24.
입이 트이는 영어 22.10.04 Pokemon Bread 오늘의 주제는 Pokemon Bread입니다. 예전에 유행했던 것 같은데, 최근에 또 유행이 돌아왔나 봐요. ㅎㅎ 1. Dictation [받아쓰기] 2022.10.04 https://www.bookdonga.com/file//productdata/20220919224531_f408ffc2-5341-4022-b7bb-b8374e9319ff_60.mp3 Pokemon Bread I am an ordinary mom with a son in 4th grade. About two months ago, I happened to buy two Pokenmon pastries while I was shopping for groceries. I gave them to my son, and he was over the.. 2022. 10. 4.
입이 트이는 영어 22.09.28 Living without the TV 오늘의 주제는 Getting rid of TV at home입니다. 제가 원하는 삶이네요 ㅎㅎ TV 없이 살기! 1. Dictation [받아쓰기] 2022.09.28 https://www.bookdonga.com/file//productdata/20220817151124_91ed2fd1-1e66-44ab-a7bf-e377a1cefe4a_22.mp3 TV-free Homes / Talk about getting rid of TV at home When I was young, I loved watching TV. I would sit in front of the TV all day long and flip through the channels. An entire day would go by in a fla.. 2022. 10. 3.
입이 트이는 영어 22.10.03 Talk about donating blood 오늘의 주제는 Talk about donating blood입니다. :) 1. Dictation [받아쓰기] https://www.bookdonga.com/file//productdata/20220919224531_2bc97fa3-e3a7-43ab-87fd-37f57c02f289_27.mp3 Donating Blood I am a 67-year-old physician. Since my high school days, I have donated blood 67 times. ​ ​ The blood in our bodies is destroyed on a continuous basis, and then replaced. So, there is no need to worry that donating bloo.. 2022. 10. 3.
입이 트이는 영어 22.09.21 Becoming a Homeowner, a.k.a. 주택청약 입이 트이는 영어 (입트영) 주제 Becoming a homeowner입니다. 주택 청약에 관한 내용이 있네요. 주택 청약은 북미나 유럽 쪽에서 시행하고 있는 제도는 아니어서 한국어에서 영어로 바꾼 표현이 되겠네요 1. Dictation [받아쓰기] Not owning a home, I opened a housing subscription deposit account and saved up 100,000 won every month. In October of 2020, I finally became eligible for the top of the waiting list and I submitted an application for the first time. I knew the chances were .. 2022. 9. 22.
입이 트이는 영어 22.09.20 Job interviews 오늘은 재미있는 표현이 많이 있네요 :) Job interview에 관한 내용입니다! Talk about Job Interviews A few months ago, I went in for an interview to land a job. First, I saw a help-wanted ad from the company and submitted an application. A while later, they announced the results of the document screening process on their website, and my name was on the list. ​ I purchased a formal suit and shoes for the job interview. Fin.. 2022. 9. 20.
입이 트이는 영어 22.09.19 Achieving your Goals 오늘의 주제는 Talk about how you achieve your goals People make New Year's resolutions and put in a lot of work to achieve their goals. But sometimes, overly ambitious goals and tight schedules make them fall into a slump. ​ When that happens, one should make a vision board to perform a progress check and readjust their goals. This is a tool that allows people to gauge their satisfaction in various as.. 2022. 9. 19.