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1.Dictation 듣고 받아쓰기
Audio File:
Talk about my Favorite Movie
I always love watching movies.
Of all the movies l've seen, my all-time favorite is "About Time."
It's been almost a decade since it opened in theaters, but even now, nothing can top it.
"About Time" is about time travel.
The lessons learned by the main character over the course of several time jumps are deeply moving. Whenever I watch the scene where he returns to his childhood to walk along the beach with his dad, it brings a lump to my throat.
"About Time" is a heartwarming movie that makes me feel grateful for my day-to-day life.
If you haven't seen it, I can't recommend it enough.
A: What's your all-time favorite movie?
B: Me? My favorite is "About Time, " hands down.
A: Oh, I remember crying my eyes out while watching that.
B: I cry a lot when I watch it, too.
A: The main character's voice-over during the final scene is really something.
B: Yes, they're such great lines that I'll never forget them.
2. Words and Expressions 단어와 표현
* all-time favorite 역대 가장 좋아하는 (것)
* open in theaters 극장에서 개봉하다
* nothing can top it 최고다
* time travel 시간 여행
* lessons learned 깨닫게 되는 교훈
* over the course of ~하는 동안
* deeply moving 매우 감동적인
* walk along the beach 해변을 산책하다
* bring a lump to someone's throat 뭉클하게 하다
* heartwarming movie 마음이 따뜻해지는 영화
* feel grateful for ~에 감사하다
* can't recommend it enough 적극 추천하다
* all-time favorite 역대 가장 좋아하는 것
* hands down 단연코, 명백히
* cry one's eyes out 펑펑 울다
* voice-over 내레이션
* be really something 압권이다, 대단하다
* great line 명대사
3. Writing 한국어에서 영어로 써보기
저는 평소에 영화 보는 것을 무척 좋아합니다.
I always love watching movies.
제가 봤던 수많은 영화들 중 가장 좋아하는 영화 는 바로 '어바웃 타임'입니다.
Of all the movies l've seen, my all-time favorite is "About Time."
극장에서 개봉한 지 거의 10년이 다 되어 가지만, 아직까지도 이를 뛰어넘는 영화가 없네요.
It's been almost a decade since it opened in theaters, but even now, nothing can top it.
'어바웃 타임'은 시간 여행에 관한 영화입니다.
"About Time" is about time travel.
주인공이 여러 번의 시간 여행을 하는 동안 깨닫게 되는 교훈이 너무나도 감동적입니다.
The lessons learned by the main character over the course of several time jumps are deeply moving.
주인공이 어린 시절로 돌아가 아빠와 함께 해변가를 산책하는 장면은 볼 때마다 매번 뭉클하답니다.
Whenever I watch the scene where he returns to his childhood to walk along the beach with his dad,
it brings a lump to my throat.
'어바웃 타임'은 평범한 내 일상에 감사함을 느끼게 해 주는 마음 따뜻한 영화입니다.
"About Time" is a heartwarming movie that makes me feel grateful for my day-to-day life.
아직 보지 않으신 분들이 있다면 강력히 추천합니다.
If you haven't seen it, I can't recommend it enough.
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